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At St. Paul's Brampton, we value offering and giving back to our community. We are so grateful for the financial faithfulness of everyone who supports this ministry. Donations can be given in the form of cash, cheques, in person debit, or online giving. We are grateful for any offering, large or small, and we thank you for your generosity.

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Give through online banking at


Please provide your home address in the message box to recieve a tax recipt.


For memorial donations, Title it - " In memory of _____"



Pre-Authorized Remittance (PAR). Set up your back account to give monthly automatically. 


Please contact the church office to set-up your pre-authorized giving. 



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Donate to St. Paul's Brampton through They will provide an instant tax receipt as well as options to give monthly, give anonymously, and track your personal donations.


Please take into consideration that does take a small percentage of the donation made as a fee.

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